2024 was a year of growth and maturity for our church as we witnessed God’s continued faithfulness. We came into this year with a focus to become more familiar with God’s Word and to deepen our devotion through prayer. We were reminded, even if the world continues to move toward complexity, God’s message remains simple. 

We have seen that message make an impact in our community, as more people committed their lives to following Jesus. More people went public with their faith in believers’ baptism, more people filled in the gap of leadership, more people sacrificed to build the kingdom of God in our city. With each season, God continues to form and shape our community in powerful ways.


We come to the end of this year with hearts full of gratitude, as we’ve watched God do the deep work of healing hearts and changing lives. 

We are so hopeful for the future.

Isaiah 43:19

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun!

Note: Please designate your gift FOR THE FUTURE in the Giving Type dropdown or Memo line.

In 2020, we began an annual initiative, For the Future, with the goal to keep dreaming, believing, and trusting God with more of our resources. Our prayer is that God will use our church to fulfill His mission in our world. We specifically pray for two goals:


We envision a church relationally rooted in our community. We believe that faithfulness over time produces lasting impact. A group of Jesus-loving people, living on mission, forms a meaningful community.


We also envision a ministry that exists not just for ourselves, but to be a mechanism to expand the influence of Jesus all over the Bay Area and world, through strategic partnerships, outreach efforts, and compassion ministries.

Over the years, because of your generosity to impact initiatives, Eden has supported the start of 6 new churches in the Bay Area, expanded compassion ministries in our city, and updated our campus to better serve the spiritual needs of our community.


We believe that generosity overflows from the heart. By giving generously and sacrificially, we are positioned to bless others in our community for generations to come. One of the defining characteristics of this church will be our quiet, regular and radical generosity to the work God is doing outside the walls of Eden.


Invested in gospel-focused church planting networks and outreach ministries. 


Dedicated to serving the basic needs of under-resourced families in our community. 


Directed to partnerships restoring hope in the name of Jesus through foster care, rehabilitation support, and the alleviation of poverty.


Committed to outreach events including Kids Camp, bridge events, and our local compassion initiatives.



    Churches planting churches - everywhere for everyone.


    Providing Loving Homes for Children in Foster Care


    Collaborating to plant multiplying churches in the Bay Area.


    Restoring Lives & Rebuilding Communities by Providing Food, Shelter, Clothing, Training & Spiritual Transformation


    Eliminating poverty in Silicon Valley and “proclaiming good news to the poor.”


    Hot meals in Downtown San Jose every Thursday. 

    Meeting the needs of our city one meal, one haircut, one life at a time.


    Sharing the love of Jesus, transforming lives.


We believe that Jesus is the hope of the world, and He has positioned His church to carry out the vision of making disciples everywhere. We are so grateful for the life transformation we have witnessed in 2024. 

125 Commitments to Follow Jesus 

25 Baptisms 

176 EDEN Groups Participants

105 EDEN Bible App Participants

45 Average EDEN Kids Weekly Attendance

108 Kids Attended Kids Camp

45 Newcomers Lunch Participants

3 Ministry Apprentices

25 EDEN Group Leaders 

163 Active Volunteers

204 Average Live Attendance (In-Person and Online)


As we consider all that God has already done, please join us in prayer, asking God to leverage our lives and our resources so that the gospel will continue to impact future generations.

Primary Goal: 100% Participation

Our prayer is that every person and family at Eden takes a next step in their journey of generosity. It is not about equal contribution, it is all about equal sacrifice. We have learned that when a community sacrifices together, we see God moving in unique ways.

Secondary Goal: Raise $200,000 Above & Beyond Our Normal Giving


Funding start-up churches, local partnerships, compassion ministries, and outreach efforts in the Bay Area. 


Investing in the next generation to reach, develop, and equip our kids and youth to become spiritual leaders in our community. 


Improving our campus to better serve the spiritual and physical needs of our city. We want to be faithful to maximize the opportunity we have with this campus.



Thank God for how He is at work in and through our church. God is at work in each of our lives, making a difference in Silicon Valley and beyond. 

Thank God for providing us with a permanent church home for generations to come.

Pray about how God can use our lives and resources to invest in generations to come.


Plan to give a one-time gift above your normal tithe and offering before Celebration Sunday, December 8th, 2024. 


Live and give in a way that stretches your faith to a new level of generosity.


Let’s celebrate all that God is going to do in the days to come.


EDEN Church is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all gifts are tax deductible. We commit to our givers faithful stewardship, clear accounting, and both internal and external accountability structures.

Note: Please designate your gift FOR THE FUTURE in the Giving Type dropdown or Memo line.


Set up a one-time or recurring gift at


Mail to EDEN Church

400 Llewellyn Avenue

Campbell, CA 95008


You can give stocks, crypto, and in-kind gifts at


Your gift may qualify for a corporate matching program through your employer. 

Benevity Unique Identifier: 364830928

Email for more info


What’s the difference between the regular offering and this special offering?

The regular offering is the proportional amount to be given throughout the year. However, at times in the Old Testament, God asked His people to give a sacrificial offering, such as a freewill offering or thanks offering. FOR THE FUTURE represents a sacrificial offering above your regular giving to make a greater impact in our city and around the world in 2025. 

How much should I give? 

Our goal together as a church is $200,000, and it will take everyone’s participation to accomplish the goal. Please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift that will stretch your faith. The precise amount you give is between you and God. Some in our church will be able to give thousands, others will be able to give hundreds, and there are some for whom $25 will be a major sacrifice. The goal is not equal giving, but equal sacrifice. 

When should I give? 

You can give to FOR THE FUTURE anytime between now and January 31, 2025. We encourage you to give before December 1st, 2024 if possible. We are aware that some people need to wait until January to give because of year-end income or other unique circumstances. 

How can I give stocks, crypto, or through a trust or will?

EDEN receives stock and corporate matching donations through Overflow and Benevity. Please email and we will help facilitate your gift. 

Will I receive a record of donations for tax purposes?

Yes, you will receive a giving statement annually, and you can also access and download your giving records online for tax purposes.